Vaisheshika is one of the six schools of Indian philosophy (Vedic systems) from ancient India. It has its own metaphysics, epistemology, logic, ethics, and soteriology. According to their philosophy, there are nine universal substances or elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether, Time, Space, Soul, and Mind.
To illustrate the different elements of the Vaisheshika philosophy
Project Duration:
one week
Earth is the element which represents all the solid matter and the supposed structure of the universe. It gives form to the human body and to all other creation.
Water is the element attuned to waves of emotion and flow of matter. It exists in three forms - solid, liquid and gas and is an essential medium for all life process.
Air element represents our mental activity like intellect and ability to reason. It represents the breathe of life and is therefore regarded as the voice of our spirit.
Fire element stands for a variety of things ranging from resurrection to desire. It is a double sided element which has the ability to nourish and protect and at the same time harm or kill.
Ether element is referred to as the space filled by other elements. It represents a state where there is no opposition and at the same time is omnipresent. It is the substratum from which other elements are derived.
Time element is something beyond any dimension. It governs the existence of everything and also relative to itself. It makes energies active and ends into a state of inactivity.
Space element is one that binds the other elements together. It becomes the basis and essence of everything in the material world.
Soul element represents the spirit or essence of any person. In Hinduism, the soul gives us the personality we wear and lives on even after death.
Mind element is constituted by several elements that govern the thoughts of a person. The mind comprises of three parts - subconscious, unconscious and conscious state and makes up all the happenings of the world.