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Have You Ever Seen the Rain

Mojiko is located at edge of Kitakyushu city, on the island of Fukuoka, Japan. Its strategic location between Honshu and the island of Kyushu makes Mojiko a regional economic centre with its shipping industry, until the completion of the Kanmon tunnel and the Kanmon Bridge, which has changed the strategic economic superiority of the Mojiko area. 

Developing a policy to tackle urban shrinkage in the region of Mojiko in Japan by bridging gaps between the culture and present-day activities
Project Duration: 
six weeks
Site Context
The site is famously known for its ironworks. With a closeness to the port area, it is historically a port area bustling with traders and tourists. The port region has a lot of industrial land use with a lower percentage of commercial areas. However, the different districts of the area still had defined edges in terms of land use and trade. 
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Drawing on the lines of the low-carbon city, the proposal aims to revive the lost heritage of the iron industry in Mojiko. The primary idea is to reboot the iron industry (forming a bridge between spaces and people), in an attempt to revive the lost commercial importance of the area. The other features are aimed at reconnecting people with the spaces through a variety of cultural and trade nudges.
This approach converts the underutilized ports into functional centers and its proximity to the Mojiko Retro makes it function as a magnet for various activities in the area. The accessible and convenient arrangement of different spaces creates a cyclic system beginning at the port and ending in the old ward and the workshops. This arrangement derives from the concept of “Samsara” (or the ‘circle of life’) and reboots the Retro as a solution to the problems of the region and creates a symbiotic multi-functional public space.
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